The true emperor of Chinese jewelry, Jade was also prized in Aztec, Maori, Mayan, Native American, Olmec, and Toltec cultures. Australian Black Jade is from one of the world’s largest Nephrite Jade deposits, situated at Cowell on South Australia’s Eyre Peninsula. Despite this acclaim, fine Australian Black Jade is always challenging to secure… ours are old mining, unearthed in the mid-80s. Totally natural, incredibly beautiful, undeniably rare, and everyday wearable, Australian Black Jade is coveted globally for its high-quality, making it an immensely collectable twist on an ancient jewelry gem.
Hardness 6.5 – 7
Refractive Index 1.652 - 1.688
Relative Density 3.30 - 3.38
Enhancement None
Australian Black (Nephrite) Jade combines beautiful midnight blacks, with a medium to fine-grain, affording a very high, mirror-like polish. This key quality consideration facilitates a uniform appearance and deft finish, displaying a high-luster, even in mundane lighting.
Black Jade’s signature even blacks, and mirror-like shine depend on optimal lapidary. Our Australian Black Jade was expertly cut in Hong Kong, home to some of the world’s best Jade lapidaries. Optimally cut ‘en cabochon’ (cut in convex form and highly polished, but not faceted), Australian Black Jade is carefully finished into attractive smooth domes with a desirable proportion, shape, and symmetry, as well as a superior polish that displays an excellent vitreous (glassy) luster.
Jade has two different varieties, but prior to 1863 it was a blanket term covering Jadeite (pyroxene group), Nephrite (amphibole group), and other similar minerals. The name ‘Jade’ originates from the Spanish conquest of the Americas, being derived from ‘piedra de hijada’ (colic stone), which was coined around 1565. Another Spanish name for the gem is ‘piedra de los rinones’ (kidney stone), which when translated into Latin, Lapis Nephriticus, gives us the name, Nephrite. Not incredibly romantic, these names came from Spaniards making a tenuous curative connection between the shapes of polished Jade pebbles and kidneys. In 1863, the French mineralogist, Alexis Damour established that some Chinese Jade (Nephrite) and Burmese Jade (which he named ‘Jadeite’) are different minerals with a similar appearance and properties. Nephrite comes in blacks, browns, greens, greys, yellows, and whites.
While Burma (Myanmar) and China remain famous, historically acclaimed, important Jade origins, other sources include, Australia, Guatemala, Japan, Kazakhstan, New Zealand, Russia, Taiwan, and the USA.
Australia only has three Nephrite Jade deposits: Cowell, South Australia (1965); Tamworth, New South Wales (1978); and most recently, Heemskirk Falls Prospect, Tasmania (2015). Fine-quality Australian Black Jade is extremely difficult to source and always in high demand, with better qualities predominately from historic mining. Current qualities are generally crystallized coarser, resulting in duller, uneven, lesser blacks.
Our Australian Black Jade is also unenhanced, a critical attribute for top qualities, accentuating desirability, rarity, and value. Be aware that some Australian Black Jade in the marketplace are dyed.
Durability & Care
Tougher than Diamonds, Australian Black Jade (Mohs’ Hardness: 6.5 – 7) is an excellent choice for everyday jewelry. Australian Black Jade should always be stored carefully to avoid scuffs and scratches. Clean with gentle soap and lukewarm water, scrubbing behind the gem with a very soft toothbrush as necessary. After cleaning, pat dry with a soft towel or chamois cloth.
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